JO Clay's Carbon Diet
Cut your carbon footprint, one week at a time. Data in the 'Notes' section.
10. Three degrees lower
Turn down your gas heater by 3 degrees in winter to save 0.2 tonnes carbon per person per year.
But if you can, it's even better to get off gas completely. When a gas system breaks, replace it with an electric one.
9. Waste less food
Cut food waste in half to save 0.2 tonnes carbon per person per year.
Combined with previous week's tips, this saves 3.5 tonnes carbon per person per year. Well done!
8. Eat less red meat
Swap a weekly serve of beef or lamb for a serve once each month instead.
Combined with previous week's tips, this saves 3.3 tonnes carbon per person per year. Brilliant!
7. Eat more plants
Cut meat consumption to the Dietary Guideline limit of 455g each week to save 0.4 tonnes carbon per person per year.
Combined with previous week's tips, this saves 3.1 tonnes carbon per person per year. Great job!
6. Flights
Cut your flying by 50% to save 0.8 tonnes of carbon per person per year.
Combined with previous week's tips, this saves 2.6 tonnes carbon per person per year. Enjoy your local region :)
5. Drive less
Cut your driving by 50% or carpool to save 1 tonne of carbon.
Combined with last week's tip to get off gas, this saves 1.8 tonnes of carbon per person per year. Sensational effort!
4. Get off gas
Swapping from household gas to electricity saves 0.8 tonnes carbon per person per year.
Renting your house or not ready to swap? Don't worry, there's plenty of other actions to take!
3. Ride a Bike
Ride to work each day and save 1 tonne of carbon per person per year.
Bike's not your thing? Don't worry, there's plenty of other climate-friendly actions you can take.
2. Electric Vehicles
Swapping from a petrol or diesel car to an EV saves 1.7 tonnes carbon per person per year.
But EVs are still pretty exxy, so don't worry if this one isn't for you - there are plenty of other actions you can take!
1. Welcome to the Carbon Diet
I've been on a Carbon Diet for the past two years. I've slashed my carbon footprint, one week at a time.
Join me each week to can cut 8 tonnes from your carbon footprint. See 'Notes' for calculations & sources.
The world is on on a crash diet.
Not to count carbs, but carbon.
We've joined the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
But like so many diets, this one might not stick.
Australia's not doing well.
We've got one of the biggest footprints but we've pledged a tiny cut.
Bushfires, storms, drought & flood. If everyone follows our lead, the world will be in climate chaos.
I cut back by 75%.
I tried simple steps and ran one-week experiments, then did the math.
Ride a bike or drive a Leaf? Cut food waste, plastic or Ewaste? Read on to see what works.
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I'd love to hear your news, views and carbon updates.
© 2017